The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that Science has proven that the Bible is Gestalt = defferent points of view, Quantum = many levels, of Communication by Angels. Be a Prepper ! 

The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that the Bible is Gestalt, Quantum Communication by Angels.



The Tomb of Jesus was found thirty years ago. The evidence inside showed that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they had at least one son that died at age of twelve. But this is the physical Jesus not the spiritual Jesus. Al tho the names in the tomb are common. None of the 600 tombs found at the time have the same biblical names exactly for the family and the Eye_of_Providence above the tomb entrance. 1st Corinthians 15;44 to 50 and Jesus Family Tomb. In 2011 the History Channel released a documentary on The Shroud of Turin. The burial cloth of Jesus.  A photographic study of the shroud and their findings said, that the image is a three dimensional, molecular, digital scan. We can't do that. Who did 2000 years a go ?  The Real Face of Jesus.

1993 Professor Eliyahu Rips found The Book of the Seven Seals, Revelation 6, encrypted in the Torah. Seals 1 to 5 are broken. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible in the original Hebrew. They were called Torah Codes . The Book of Daniel 12;4 to 13 says this book would be opened in the End of Days. The process is call Equidistant Letter Sequences. (ELS). It is so labor intensive, that you need a computer program to get at them. When they typed in Torah Codes in to the Torah Code program, the matrix said, " They encoded the Torah and more". They search the rest of the Bible in the original, Hebrew, and Aramaic and found more codes on today s news. There were arguments among Math Professors weather the codes were their or not for a decade.

  In 2003 Harold Gans a retired Cryptanalyst from the US DOD tested the codes and found that they are real.  But he will not endorse codes on the future because they are three dimensional and our computers are two dimensional. He said you need a Quantum_Computer to encrypt the Bible. We don't have a working Quantum_Computer at this time. Who did 3,300 years ago ? He has been criticized for his report. But his on line report as not been challenged by any government cryptanalyst or PhD mathematicians as far as I know. The Bible Code Explained and 

   The Bible and the Codes say we are all being watched by Angels . Luke 4;10 Significant moments in our lives are being recorded. Some of this information is being sent back in time through another dimension, to they're ancestors, to be encoded in the Bible. Our future is Angel history. The Angels could be tens of millions of years ahead of us in science and evolution. The Bible says the Angels can make us see and hear what they want us too. Numbers 22;22 to 35 Balaam's donkey. 

  The Mayan Sun Calender said that 12/21/12 is the end of days of the Forth Long Count of 5,125 years. Not the End of the World. 2012_Phenomenon The beginning of the Fifth Long Count will have it's birth pains of Floods, Droughts, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and War. Mayan_prophecy-Apocalypse 4 X 5,125 = 20,500 years. A Religious Long Count is over 60,000 years. The Great Flood and the end of the Ice Age happened about two long counts ago. Our ancestors lived through these sun cycles. Mexican Archaeologists now know that the Mayan Sun Calender came from the Olmec. Now believed to be an Egyptian Colony with Egyptian toys. Ra was a sun god in Egypt.

  This Solar_Cycle_24 is different from the others in 400 years of study. The Solar Minimum was over twice as long than average. X Class flares normally happen in the last 5th of the cycle. This time they started in the 2nd 5th of the cycle. The X Class Solar_Flare Scale only go's to X 10. In December 2003 the main part of an X 45 Class flare missed us buy two days in orbit. But it forced the Aurora Borealis half way down in to the USA. In 1859 a CME, Coronal_Mass_Ejection, hit the USA and the Aurora_Borealis went down into Cuba and Mexico City.  A dozen telegraph offices burned down. Solar Storm of 1859 An X 45 Class flare then is now classified as an X 4.5 Class Flare.

  When a CME, EMP, Electromagnetic_pulse, hits our Magnetic Field , generated by our Natural Nuclear Reactor at the center of the earth. It heats up even more. Creating supper hot magma that rises to push the tectonic plates. Causing volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and Ocean Warming. Not Political Global Warming . 

  In 2004 underwater volcanic and earthquake activity quadrupled. An Indonesian Tsunami and six El Nino's around the world. Ocean anomalies 2004 rose ten degrees fahrenheit in these areas due to underwater volcanic activity. Ice and tundra began melting. The legendary Northwest Passage from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific opened up to shipping. Volcanoes erupt beneath the arctic ice Greenland started to become green again like when the Vikings first found it during a Dark Age, a hard 521 year sun cycle. Research ships mapping the North and South Polar ocean floors found Underwater_volcanoes_heating_Antarctic with active lava flows and hydrothermal vents. 

  The First Trumpet, Revelation 8;7   Hail ( and or of ) Fire and Blood will be cast upon the ground. One third of the green trees and grass (crops) of the earth will burn. This discribes Transformers blowing up due to CME, EMP, electromagnetic pulse. The Blood is the red cooling fluid inside the transformers. Revelation 16;8 And the Fourth Angel pored his bowl ( or vial ) upon the sun to burn man. NASA; Devastating Solar Storm Coming, Massive-Solar-Storm-in-2013/ and Discovery Channel Solar Storm pt1 NASA has worned Congress about this and they passed Bill/111/5026 to fund Surge_Protectors for the transformers. But they haven't funded it yet. Lawrence E Joseph The Solar Katrina Storm.

  The Second Trumpet, Revelation 8;8 & 9  The Mountain of Fire that falls into the sea and destroys one third of the worlds ships. The ships will be in harbors and the millions of people living around them. The Island is La_Palma  in the Canary Islands. Formaly St. Michael's Is., the Arc Angle. The Volcano is Cumbre Vieja. One half of the Island is ready to fall into the Atlantic Ocean and cause a Mega Tsunami. Discovery Channel Mega Tsunami pt1.

  The Third Trumpet, Revelation 8;10 & 11 And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers, and on springs of water. And the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became as Wormwood, and many men died from the water. The Wormwood Bible Codes says the meteor will break up on entry. Pieces will fall in the USA, Europe destroying Rome with the bigest peaces falling in China and India.

  The Forth Trumpet, Revelation 8;12 & 13 And a third of the sun, moon and stars were darkened. A third of the day and night were darkened. Volcanic_and meteorite Impact_events will put ash in the atmosphere. Causing a new Dark_Age. I think a Dark Age in the 400's caused Attila the Hun's people and a 521 sun cycle later the Viking people in the 900's to go cold and hungry. The Mini_ice_age 521 years later.

  My point is to be a Prepper. A cave or bunker is not necessary. A Gun, Camping Stove, Canned Food a month's pay in small bills My sister and I found MREs too salty. Freeze Dried food is OK but expensive. I've eaten from a can of food ten years old. No problems. If you live in a desert area buy lots of water and keep it in a black cool place. The 7 year Tribulation I think starts this year 2013. Five years of the last half of this Sun Cycle and a two year aftermath. Armageddon has started against the Army of 200 Million Revelation 9;13. But it has not peeked yet. A Bible Code says this started on 9/11/2001 and will last for 25 years. Another Code said that four billion people will passover during this time. I think mainly in third world countrys.

  Another favorite documentary is The Exodus Decoded a History Channel DVD . Some people put it up and YouTube takes it down ?. 1 hr 33 min's. It scientifically proves that Moses crossed the Reed Sea by the Mediterranean Sea, as the Torah says. Not the Red Sea. The water parting was just before a Mega Tsunami. Caused by the Santorini Volcanic Explosion in Greece. The volcanic ash from Santorini and high earthquake activity in the area caused the Ten Plagues_of_Egypt.   

  My warning card.

   Most people won't believe or realize that WE are being WARNED ! Normalcy_bias

   I'm a Sentinel of Gloom not Doom. Ezekiel 33;1 to 9. Be a Prepper ! God and Government will not feed you and your family. May God Bless you.

  The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast Guest Speaker Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. He wrote the book "The Harbinger" He believes in seven year cycles. 9/11/2001, 9/2008 and 9/2015 ?

  The Merlin Project uses a commercial computer that deals with cycles about the future based on the past.  

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