The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that Science has proven that the Bible is Gestalt = defferent points of view, Quantum = many levels, of Communication by Angels. Be a Prepper ! 

The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that the Bible is Gestalt, Quantum Communication by Angels.

  The Forth Trumpet, Revelation 8;12 & 13   And a third of the sun, moon and stars were darkened. A third of the day and night were darkened. Volcanic  and meteorite Impact_events will put ash in the atmosphere. Causing a new Dark_Age. I think a Dark Age in the 400's caused Attila the Hun's people and a 521 sun cycle later the Viking people in the 900's to go cold and hungry. The Mini_ice_age 521 years later.