The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that Science has proven that the Bible is Gestalt = defferent points of view, Quantum = many levels, of Communication by Angels. Be a Prepper ! 

The First Trumpet - What the Press, Clergy and C2CAM won't tell you is that the Bible is Gestalt, Quantum Communication by Angels.

The Second Trumpet, Revelation 8;8 & 9  The Mountain of Fire that falls into the sea and destroys one third of the worlds ships. The ships will be in harbors and the millions of people living around them. The Island is La_Palma  in the Canary Islands. Formaly St. Michael's Is., the Arc Angle. The Volcano is Cumbre Vieja. One half of the Island is ready to fall into the Atlantic Ocean and cause a Mega Tsunami. Discovery Channel Mega Tsunami pt1.